Areas of expertise

Trans­la­tion / Edi­ting of legal and tech­ni­cal docu­men­ta­tion (source lan­guages : spa­nish, english and ita­lian ➡︎ french)
  • Contracts
  • Commer­cial
  • Nota­rial
  • Liti­ga­tion / inter­na­tio­nal arbitration
Review & Revi­sion / Proo­frea­ding of French trans­la­tions (source lan­guages : spa­nish, english and italian)
  • Review & Revi­sion / Proo­frea­ding of French translations
  • Checking the ove­rall consis­ten­cy of the text
  • Correc­tion of gram­ma­ti­cal, syn­tac­ti­cal and typo­gra­phi­cal errors
  • Checking the layout of the tar­get document
  • Pricing per page (about 300 words on ave­rage per page) or a flat rate depen­ding on the nature of the document