
My Poli­cy

Remai­ning as fai­th­ful as pos­sible to the ini­tial text when trans­la­ting, without alte­ring the ori­gi­nal wor­ding of the text, while res­pec­ting the trans­la­tor’s pro­fes­sio­nal code of ethics (fai­th­ful­ness, pro­bi­ty, inte­gri­ty, res­pect for the law and for customers).

I spe­cia­lise in pro­vi­ding legal trans­la­tion from Spa­nish to French, my mother tongue.
My lin­guis­tic and wri­ting skills, along my pre­ci­sion and tho­rough­ness also allow me to respond to requests for gene­ral trans­la­tions and trans­la­tions from English and Ita­lian into French.

My prio­ri­ty is to main­tain a conti­nuous dia­logue in order to ensure the neces­sa­ry choice of wor­ding or inter­pre­ta­tion. This is a gua­ran­tee of secu­ri­ty and confi­dence for you and a way to make pro­gress together.

Qua­li­ty services

Qua­li­ty is my prio­ri­ty.
My ser­vice is all-inclu­sive : trans­la­tion, ter­mi­no­lo­gy research, revi­sions and cor­rec­tions, proo­frea­ding always taking into account your remarks.

In order to achieve a high-qua­li­ty result, I constant­ly car­ry out docu­men­ta­ry research, par­ti­ci­pate in conti­nuing edu­ca­tion and trai­ning courses, atend pro­fes­sio­nal confe­rences and trade shows and deve­lop my legal and lin­guis­tic networks.