A rela­tion­ship built on trust

Reliable, effi­cient, adap­table and a people per­son, I am the ideal ser­vice pro­vi­der to handle your trans­la­tions. I know culture, tech­ni­cal lan­guage and jar­gon and have a good unders­tan­ding of the chal­lenges  mul­ti­na­tio­nals face. I am a real asset to help and sup­port you in your inter­na­tio­nal development.

A pre-esta­bli­shed rate : for your tran­qui­li­ty and peace of mind, a fixed quote is esta­bli­shed for each ser­vice. Rates are esta­bli­shed accor­ding to the spe­ci­fic legal-tech­ni­cal voca­bu­la­ry, expe­rience and ensu­red qua­li­ty of the ser­vice. The bud­get is esta­bli­shed before any realisation.

 I have adop­ted the Gene­ral Terms of Ser­vices recom­men­ded by the Socié­té Fran­çaise des Tra­duc­teurs (French Socie­ty of Trans­la­tors), which is a gua­ran­tee of secu­ri­ty and trustworthiness.

I agree upon the trans­la­tion dead­line with you, taking into account the neces­sa­ry time to deli­ver qua­li­ty work. 



Res­pect of pro­fes­sio­nal pri­vi­lege and confi­den­tia­li­ty is my prio­ri­ty. Your texts bene­fit from the utmost confidentiality.